Spaying or neutering your dog can provide many health and behavioral benefits. Today, our Tracy vets explain more about spaying or neutering, and how it can benefit your canine companion.
When should I spay or neuter my dog?
As long as your dog is healthy, spaying or neutering can be done at almost any age. That said, the most common age for getting puppies fixed is six to nine months.
Spaying (female dogs)
When a female dog is spayed, the vet removes the dog's reproductive organs so that your dog is unable to have puppies.
Neutering (male dogs)
When a male dog is neutered, your vet surgically sterilizes your dog by removing the testes. Neutering prevents your dog from being able to father puppies.
Benefits of spaying or neutering your dog
- Spaying your female dog before her first heat can help her to live a long and healthy life by preventing serious issues such as uterine infections and breast tumors.
Spayed female dogs won't go into heat if the surgery is done while they are young. Female dogs who are not spayed typically go into heat every six months, for approximately 2 - 4 weeks. While your female dog is in heat she will excrete a bloody vaginal discharge and may seem edgy, clingy, or jumpy. - Neutering can help to prevent testicular cancer and certain prostate problems by neutering your dog early. Male dogs that are neutered are less likely to roam or try to escape from home searching for females. Reduced roaming can help to protect your dog from injuries due to fights with other males, or even traffic accidents.
When male dogs are left unneutered they are more likely to spray urine in the house to mark their territory, mount other dogs or people, and be more aggressive to other dogs. - The Cost of spaying or neutering your puppy could save you money by avoiding costs associated with litters of puppies, treatment for illnesses that could have been avoided by fixing your dog, and treatment of injuries due to roaming and fighting.
- Reducing pet overpopulation is an important issue to animal welfare that cannot be overstated. Shelters across the USA are filled with homeless and neglected dogs. If more pet owners spayed and neutered their dogs, there would be fewer dogs relying on shelters. Fewer unwanted puppies will help to reduce the number of animals living on the streets, neglect and suffering of unhoused dogs, and fewer euthanizations.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.